
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2019

One Soul

The first start, enough you had looked at each other. Over time, you had known each other. You have been good friends until now. I think that's enough. I had known, what happened between you two is so complicated. You're sick, its just you who feels pain. At that time I was confused thinking about the best solution for you. We had known each other that he might not be the best for you. But, feeling makes you blind to everything, so that you cant go one step away from him. There is one thing im waiting for from your friendship first, which is happiness.

Akan Kecewa

Jika kamu berharap dalam sebuah pengharapan, itu akan membuatmu jatuh dan terluka apabila harapan itu tak berpihak kepadamu. Jagalah hati dan perasaan mu untuk tidak banyak berharap. Inilah jalan kehidupan, tidak selalu bahagia berujung bahagia, tidak selalu sedih berujung sedih. Paansi gaje bgt. Haters gonna say ALAY

I Am Longing To My Old Friends

I want to a little story. I miss my so crazy friends. We haven't been together for several months. I think they have been like my family until now. I miss those memories. I always feel sad when I pass the streets or places we have been together. I have been missing you so much, I was desperate to be like before, and it has been flooding in my mind until now. I'm sick to you guys. KCKfamily💕